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The composition of Local Advisory Committee

Sl. No LAC Members Position
1 (S.D.M) Chairman
2 (Welfare Officer) Vice Chairman
3 (Principal KV  Eminent Educationalist) Member
4 Representative of CPWD.PWD Member
5 (Two Parents of the Students (One Lady Member
6 (Eminent Doctor of the area) Member
7 (Teacher representative) Member
8 (Rector) Member
9 Sh. S.P Singh (Principal of the School) Member-Secretary

Terms of Local advisory Committee

  1. The term of office of the members of the local advisory committee shall be three years.
  2. The administration will have discretionary powers to nominate the same person on the Local Advisory Committee for the subsequent term.
  3. Members of the LAC will continue beyond the term of three years till the new committee has been reconstituted.
  4. The Heads of Institution will recommend to the Director, CTSA at least three months before the expiry of the existing term of LAC for the constitution of new LAC.
  5. The Local Advisory Committee will meet quarterly.
  6. If any member does not attend two consecutive meetings of the LAC without obtaining any leave of absence from the Chairman of the Committee, he/she may cease to the member of committee.

Functions of the LAC are as under:-

  1. To prepare the budget estimate for the next financial year.
  2. To send suggestions in respect of new items of expenditure with justification thereof. This will also include non-recurring items such as building, special repairs, furniture equipments etc.
  3. To make selection of daily wage/part time contractual staff as may be authorized by the Administration and in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Administration.
  4. To make recommendations to the Administration for additional classes and sections.
  5. To make suggestions to the Administration for any improvement or reforms in the academic curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  6. To assist the school to secure local assistance and co-operation for its better working and growth.
  7. To scrutinize and approve the annual report of the school.
  8. To discharge such other functions relating to the school as may be prescribed by the Administration from time to time.
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