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COC for teachers

Code of Conduct for Teachers

  • A person who choose teaching as a career, assumes the obligation to conduct himself at all times in accordance with the highest standards of the teaching profession, aiming at quality and excellence in his work and conduct, setting an example which will command  the respect of the pupils, the parents and his colleagues. Thus a teacher’s duty is not merely to communicate knowledge in specific subjects but also to help children grow to their fullest stature and unfold their personality. In this responsible task what matters most, is the personal example of the teacher.
  • Following Code of Conduct is, therefore, applicable to the teachers of Central School for Tibetans in addition to the provisions of the previous article.
  1. Every teacher shall, by precept and example, inculcate in the minds of his pupils respect for law and order
  2. Every teacher shall organize and promote all school activities which foster a feeling of universal brotherhood among the pupils.
  3. Every teacher shall, by precept and example, promote tolerance for all religions among the pupils.
  4. Every teacher must take his stand against the unhealthy practices in modern society and must strive his best to instill in the minds of his pupils the principles of cooperation and social service.
  5. Every teacher shall co-operative with and secures the cooperation of other persons in all activities which aim at the improvement of the moral, mental and physical well being of pupils.
  6. Every teacher must be strictly impartial in his relations with all his pupils. He should be sympathetic and helpful particularly to the slow learners.
  7. Every teacher must be a learner throughout his life not only to enrich his own life, but also of those who are placed in his care, He should plan his work on approved lines and do it methodically, eschewing vigilantly all extraneous activities.
  8. Every teacher must regard each individual pupil as capable of unique development and taking his due place in the society, and help him to be creative as well cooperative.
  9. Every teacher should be temperate and sober in his habits. He should scrupulously avoid smoking, chewing of betel leaves and such other undesirable habits in the presence of students and within the precincts of school.
  10. Every teacher should have an exemplary moral character. His dealing with the members of the other sex in the Central School for Tibetans or outside it, should not be such as would cause reflection on his character or bring discredit to the Central School for Tibetans.
  11. No teacher shall indulge in or encourage any form of malpractice connected with examination or other school activities.
  12. Confidential matters relating to the institutions and the department shall not be divulged by any teacher.
  13. No teacher shall accept any job of a remunerative character from a source other than the Central Tibetan Schools Administration or give private tuitions to pupils without the written permission from the competent authority.
  14. Every teacher should be clean and trim, not casual and informal while on duty. His dress should be neat and dignified, He should on no account be dressed so as to become an object of excitement or ridicule or pity at the hands of the students and his colleagues.
  15. Every teacher should be punctual in attendance, in respect of his class work as also for any other work connected with the duties assigned to him by the Principal.
  16. Every teacher should abide by the rules and regulations of the school and show due respect to the constituted authorities diligently carrying out instructions issued to him by the superior authority.
  17. Every teacher shall avoid monetary transactions with the pupils and parents and refrain from exploiting his School influence for personal ends. He shall generally conduct his personal matters in such a manner that he does not incur a debt beyond his means to repay.
  18. No teacher shall prepare or publish keys or assist directly or indirectly in the preparation or use of such publications without obtaining prior approval of the Administration.
  19. No teacher shall engage himself as selling agent or canvasser for any publishing firm/trader.
  20. No teacher shall apply for an assignment or job outside the Administration directly; He shall invariably get forwarded his/her application through proper channel.
  21. No teacher shall represent his grievances, if any, except through proper channel, nor will he canvass any non-official or outside influence or support in respect of any matter pertaining to his/her service in the school.
  22. Every teacher shall consider school property and funds as if placed in trust with him/her and shall exercise the same prudence and care as he/she would do in respect of his/her own property or own funds.
  23. No teacher shall accept, or permit any member of his/her family or any other person acting on his/her behalf to accept, any gift from any pupil, parent or any person with whom he/she comes into contact by virtue of his/her position in the school.
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