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Audio-Visual Aids: The teaching and learning process is reinforced with the assistance of audio-visual aids like maps, models, ordinary projectors, LCD projectors television and video. Educational videos are screened regularly to the students on various subjects. Smart board is also installed in resource centre & class rooms for effective teaching learning process.

Medical Checkup:

 The school has a dispensary that takes care of the health of the students. A regular medical checkup is done by the Doctor to ensure the proper growth of the child. The parents are made aware of the results of these checkups and suggestions to overcome any problem are given.


The School has well equipped Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratories where each child gets an opportunity to discover for himself/herself the truth behind science. The children are encouraged to innovate new projects and these projects form a part of assessment too.


The purpose of the Physics Laboratory is to impart practical knowledge of the different concepts taught in the class rooms. The laboratory can accommodate 10 students in a batch. Experiments in light, sound, electricity, thermodynamics and electronics can be conducted in the laboratory for students from Classes IX to XII. The laboratory is well equipped with all necessary equipments for such experiments like different types of meters like potentiometer, calorimeter, galvanometer, bridges, helical springs, lenses, mirrors, sonometer, barometers etc. These are used by the students to perform different experiments.  Students are supplied with apparatus necessary for a particular experiment in a few activities where group work is needed. The practical classes held in the laboratory have enabled students to get first hand working knowledge about all the concepts that they have learned and to encourage them to do further experiment. The cycle of experiments and other information are displayed in the laboratory. 


  • Chemistry lab is well equipped with all necessary apparatus and chemicals for conducting various practicals for classes IX to XII as per C.B.S.E syllabus.
  • A separate store room is provided to keep the chemicals in chronological order for better maintenance and upkeep of chemicals.
  • Wooden cupboards carrying different reagent bottles and chemicals are fixed in chemistry lab for easy handling of chemicals during the practical/demo periods.
  • Lab is equipped with computer facility.


  • Lab is being utilized for arranging conducting practical for class XI and XII
  • Charts, models and projects are displayed for class VI, VII and VIII
  • There is sufficient availability of instruments like microscopes, glass ware, chemicals etc.
  • Students are free to make use of the lab. to get firsthand experience of scientific methodology.
  • Specimens and other materials related to various topics are being shown properly utilized in the laboratory.
  • Lab is also equipped with computer.


 Computer Laboratory: Realizing the importance of the boom in information technology in the present day scenario, the School has equipped itself with a good computer lab. It aims to create computer literacy among the students to make them ready to face the challenges of the information age in the new millennium. Computers are installed in all the laboratories, departments  and are used as an effective teaching aid.  We are having computer lab for the use of the senior and junior sections. They are well equipped with computers of the latest configuration, printers and latest software’s. Presently we have 58 computers in the school. Internet facility is provided to the students in the Computer Lab

In tune with the change of time, teaching-learning activities are facilitated with the electronic media. We make use of OHPs, Computers, LCD projectors teaching. A good number of educational CDs are made available for different subjects.

English Language Lab

The school has an English Language Lab which has audio visual system to develop listening and speaking skill in students. It is extremely useful for all the students, particularly for the students of classes VI to X.

The lab also has visual charts based on pronunciation skill and parts of speech. The lab is also well equipped with computer in which ‘English Pronouncing Dictionary’ has been installed. The students use it in order to clear their doubts about pronunciation of different typical words. The students are exposed to audio visual CDs related to language which are available in the English Language Lab.

The lab also has a Deck (Record Player). The cassettes based on listening and speaking skills are played on the record player.

In brief, the students enjoy coming to the language lab to add something more to their listening and speaking skills every day.

 Mathematics Laboratory

The Mathematics laboratory of CST Mussoorie is one of the major labs in the department. It has been established ever since NCERT floated the idea of requirement of such lab, in the subject of Mathematics.

It is functioning from a resourceful corner to cater the needs of the children in following areas.

  • Preparing low cost models in mathematics
  • Conducting Mathematics exhibitions and quizzes.
  • Use of ICT in making Mathematics learning fun and joyful.
  • Eradication of  Maths fobia from the minds of young learners.
  • To create maths loving atmosphere in the school.
  • To foster innovative ideas in Mathematics

Resource Centre

  • The School Resource Centre is well equipped with Over Head Projector,  Multimedia projector, Star Board,  Television, Video Cassette player, Audio Player, Computers and Printers.
  • Classes based on ICT are regularly taken in the resource centre.
  • Conference and seminars are also held in resource centre.
  • Teachers regularly visit resource centre for sorting out their queries on internet and ICT based teaching learning.

Counseling cell

  • The well equipped counseling cell is used for individual career counseling and counseling resource material.
  • A Counseling library consisting about 500 books is run. Books are issued for the students on career counseling and motivation.
  • Internet facility for the career related search is provided by the cell.
  • Chief counselor from DOE visits the school every year for about a week’s time to provide counseling for the senior students.
  • Career interest Inventory test are conducted for the senior students.
  • Conference and seminars are held in the lab for the teachers and students.


The School has a well equipped library, that caters to the thirst of knowledge of the younger minds. Our library has more than 6200 books. It  has books for all age categories starting from story books and ending   with very interesting  novels. Magazines, periodical, journals, reference books,   and newspapers are also available for reading in the library. The  library is also equipped with computer and printer facility.A library period is allotted to every class and books are also issued for the students for study at home. Text books are supplied by the School at the beginning of the academic year to Tibetan students.

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