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Admission Criteria

a. Central School for Tibetans have been opened in India for the education and training of Tibetan children. They are located at places that have a sizeable population of Tibetans and free education is imparted to their children right from the Pre-Primary to Class XII. Deserving students coming from poor families living in the Settlements where education facilities are not available and whose parents cannot bear boarding charges, are provided free board and lodging in these schools. The number of free boarders, however, in all the six residential schools taken together should not exceed 360.

b. The minimum number of children required for running a Pre-Primary class in a school is 15.

c. The academic year in Central School for Tibetans is from 1 January to 31 December. A child must be at least four years old on 1st April for admission to the Preprimary class and at least five years old on that date for admission to the class I (One) in the academic year in which admission is sought.
For subsequent classes the eligible age would be reckoned with reference to 1st April with appropriate increase over 5 years

d. Admission of new eligible student for class I onwards (except class XI) shall be made from the beginning of the academic session from 1st January each year. The last dates of admission in different classes from the academic session2004-05 onwards are as follows:

I – For C.T.S.A Schools
  Classes Last date of Admission
A All classes except Class XI Winter vacation schoolsSummer vacation schools   15th February 15th January
B Class XI for all the CTSA schools 15th June
C Class XI For all the CTSA schools for compartmental candidates Within 07 days after the declaration of A.I.S.S Compartmental Examination Result
I – For Non C.T.S.A Schools (having academic session upto 31st March)
A All classes except Class XI 10th April
B Class XI 15th June
C Class XI compartmental candidates Within 07 days after the declaration of A.I.S.S Compartmental Examination Result

e. Though the schools are being run to impart education to the children of Tibetan refugees in India, local Indian children can also admitted subject to availability of seats in classes/sections and their priority in admission will be as under:-
i. 10% local Indian children in all schools n classes VI and onwards only.
ii. Wards of Government servants where there is no Kendriya Vidyalaya may be admitted beyond 10%.
If the class/section is not viable, the class/section of the particular school be closed. A class or section of 20 students shall be a viable class or section.
The admission is further subject to the condition that no extra class/section will be opened for Indian students.

f. Strength of a section shall not exceed the maximum limit whish may be specified by the Administration from time to time. At present this limit is 40 students per section. If the number of eligible students seeking admission to the school warrants the opening of a new section/class and necessary accommodation for opening such additional sections/classes is available, the school should secure prior approval of the Administration before starting such sections/classes in the school. While forwarding such proposals, the school should clearly indicate whether built accommodation for these sections/classes would be available and if not, how the additional units would be accommodated in the existing campus.

g. Direct admission i.e. admission without a Transfer Certificate can be made up to class II to IV. If a pupil who has not previously attended any recognized class, applies for admission to anyone of the classes, his parents/guardians shall be required to give full history of his previous education and submit an affidavit to the effect that his ward has hot attended any recognized class/school till that date. He will also be required to produce a certificate of age as required for class I. if a seat is available in the class for which admission is being applied the head of the school shall arrange a special test to determine the suitability of the pupil for admission in that class. Admission shall be granted only if the pupil qualify the test.

h. A pupil coming from a recognized school or a Central School for Tibetans shall not be admitted to a class higher than the one in which he was already studying.

i. If during admission test to a particular class, a pupil is found unsuitable for that class, this shall not entitle the pupil for admission to the next lower class automatically without an admission test.

j. A pupil who fails once in the annual examination (class I-IX and Class XI) may be admitted to the same class in the next session in the same school or in some other CST. A pupil who fails twice in the annual examination shall not be admitted in any CST even in special cases.

k. A pupil who fails in the Board examination of class XI & XII, can only be admitted in the same class as regular students for one more year provided the strength of the class/section is written the permissible limit of the class.

l. A form of Transfer Certificate to be issued to studies desirous of migrating out of the school has been prescribed for uniform adoption.

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