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Committees in Action


Sl No Committee Conveners & Members Key Responsibilities
1 Chief Patron Mr. S. P. Singh (Principal) Supervise & Jury
2 Patron Rector Supervise & Jury
3 Coordinators Mr. Asit Katyayan Chief Coordinator
Mr. S .C. Rauto, Coordinator/ reporting
Mr. A S. S. Kanderi Coordinator/ technical
Maintain overall  Records of activities/ Ensure the smooth holding of the event on dates. Check the schedule of events & execution.
4. Over all Hostel Administrator Rector Overall functioning, Supervision & Discipline monitoring
5 Mess & Hostel affairs Warden
Mr.Thakchoe Tsering
Mr. Phuntsok Sec to Rector
Ms. Tashi Dolma
Ayahas & Cooks
School Captains & Vice Captains
Comfort of students, discipline, Food, health & hygiene
6 Dry Ration Committee Mr. Thakchoe Tsering
Ms .Kiran JSA
Mr. Phuntsok Sec to Rector School Captains & Vice captains
Supply the orders, stock supervision supervision, quality check
7 Vegetables Ms. Kiran
Mr. Phuntsok Sec to Rector
Quality control of supply, check quantity & quality of supply & keep records.
8 Students Daily Necessities Mr. Phuntsok Sec to  Rector
Ms. Kiran School office Smt Pema Lhanzey
Welfare of students affairs in Hostels
Examination (Sr) (CBSE & Home exam)

Mrs. Anita Dhaka I/C
Mr. Manjeet Singh
Mr. R. K. Mishra
Ms. Tashi Dolma
Mr. B. P. Balooni
Mr. Parveen Singh
Ms. Usha Bisht
Primary Teachers
Conduct of scheduled Examinations, Printing, Date Sheet, seating, collection of marks,  Maintenance of Examination Records etc.
10 Time Table   Substitution   Mr. Nitin Khare PGT (IC)
Mr. R. S. Kandari
Mr. Manjeet Singh
Mr. V. K. Sharma
Ms. Sunita Jha
Annual Time Table Framing, Leave Arrangements, displays of Time table & Remedial Time Table
11 Value Education Mr. Asit Katyayan I/C
Ms. Tashi Dolma
Mr. A S. S. Kanderi
Occasional addresses during School Assembly & Days of important religious occasions.
12 Cultural Committee Mrs. Pema Lhanzey I/C PGT, English, ( Cont) PGT, Comm, ( Cont)
Ms. Manju Pandey
Mr. B S Kathait
Prepare Children to be able to Present Cultural programmes on days of importance, visits & Celebrations.
13 Library Committee Librarian
Sh Asit Katyayan
Sh Thackchoe Tsering
Smt Anita Dhaka
Mr. Belwanshi
Sh S.C. Rauto
Ms. Usha Bisht
Boys’ & Girls’ Captains
Check & meet to discuss quality, procurement, reading habits, issue of books, usefulness, and availability of books in library.
14 Games & Sports Sh Pradeep Kumar
PGT (Chem) Cont
All House Masters
Conduct intramurals, school based sports, participation in Inter school, State & National sports event. Conduct School Annual Sports
15 Discipline Committee PGT, English, ( Con)
Sh Pradeep Kumar
Sh Thakchoe Tsering
PGTs Commerce (Cont)
School Captains & Prefects
Check overall discipline of the school. Committee to meet frequently to discuss the issues of discipline. Take collective decisions on major issues if arise.
16 Protocol Mr. R. S. Kandari I/C
Mr. Thakchoe Tsering
Mr. Butola JSA
Mr. V. K. Sharma
Mr. B. P. Baloni
Mr. R. S. Bisht
Reception of the Guest, comfort of the guest, needs & arrangement of stay, boarding, lodging & transport.
17 Online Quarterly News Letter Mr. A S. S. Kanderi I/C
PGT, English, ( Con)
Students Editors
On line print of the quarterly newsletter, uploading on Web & mails of the various concerned sites.
18 School Magazine & Printing Ms. Anita Dhaka (I/C)
PGT (Eng) Cont
Mr. R.K.Mishra
 Editors of English, Tibetan, & Hindi
Mr. Manjeet Singh
Mr. Pankaj Patiyal
Students Editors
Collecting the articles, Editing & Printing of the School Magazine.
19 Prefects & Captains selection Principal, Rector
House Masters
PETs,Warden & Metron
Democratic Selection of the School Council.
20 School Website Mr. Manjeet Singh
Computer Teacher
Regular updating.
21 Cleanliness & Swach Vidyalaya Mr. A S. S. Kanderi I/C
All House Masters
School Monitors, Prefects & Captains
In every last Friday of the month Students will clean the school surrounding in last two periods.
22 Welcome & refreshment to Guests      

Recreation/Farewell /parties/ students’ ref.  on various occasions
Smt Manju Pandey
Smt. Sunita Jha
Ku. Usha Bisht
Sh. R. S. Bisht

Sh. Nitin Khare (I/C)
Mrs. B Sobti SA
Mr. R. K. Mishra
Ms. Usha Bisht
Ms. Pema Lahanze
Mr. R S Bisht  
Arrangement of Welcome & distribution of refreshments to Guests/ visitors during important occasions     Staff Parties, farewell parties, Gift arrangements, distribution sweet to students on important occasions
23 School Band Smt Pema Lhanzey I/c
Mr. B S Kathait
Sh. Pradeep Kumar
Prepare students for school bands. Exhibit on important days.
24 School  Furniture Sh. V. K. Sharma I/c (Plan)
Sh. Nitin Khare I/c (Non-plan)
Sh. Mahesh Prasad
Mr. A S. S. Kanderi
Maintain the records of furniture & fixture. Arrange furniture when required for different purpose. Repair & procure.
25 P.A. System for special occasion Sh. Pradeep Kumar
Sh V K Sharma
Mrs Pema Lhanzey
Mr. Parveen
Mr. B P Balooni
Mr Pradeep Kumar
(attached for technical support only)
Check & keep in order the PA systems on important occasions & during School assembly
26 Stage Setting & Seating Arrangement Committee Mr. Thakchoe Tsering
Mr. Belvanshi
Mr. Pankaj Patiyal
Mr. Phuntsok Rector PA
Mr. Parveen
Sh. Mahesh Prasad
Mr. B. P. Balooni
Keep the stage & seating ready for the different programme to be held on important days
27 Disaster Management Mr. Manjeet Singh,
Mrs. Renu Shukla,
All Sst Teachers, & PGT Geographical.
Arrange Seminars, Demo etc
28 Excursion Mr. Asit Katyayan & Concerned Class Teacher
Ms. Sunita Jha (Primary)
Arrange Excursions


1. ENGLISH Mrs Anita Dhaka and Subject teachers of English
2. TIBETAN Sh. Thackchoe Tsering and Subject teachers of Tibetan
3. HINDI Sh. Mahesh Prasad and Subject teachers of Hindi
4. SCIENCE Sh. S K Sharma and Subject teachers of Sciences
5. SOCIAL SCIENCE Sh. Asit Katyayan and Subject teachers of Arts/ Humanities stream
6. MATHEMATICS Sh. S.C. Rauto and Subject teachers of  Maths
7. COMMERCE Sh. Nitin Khare and Subject teachers of Commerce
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